Think You May Have a Problem With Your Garage Door Cables?

Garage Door Maintenance ServiceWhy Garage Door Cable Replacement Is Necessary

Many of our Garza Garage Doors clients have asked what causes garage door cable replacement, and how can it be prevented. By reading this blog post, you could, in theory, prolong the lifespan of your garage door cables.

Garage door cables generally break due to everyday wear and tear. The cable will become worn after years of constant usage, or, it can also break when the bearings are faulty. Another thing that often causes your garage door cable to break is corrosion.

It operates as a lift cableĀ 

With this configuration, the cable is attached to the floor and connected to torsion springs with the aid of pulleys. It makes the opening and closing function of a garage door very efficient, in addition to reducing the tension on the springs. In layman’s terms, it helps with the smooth lifting and lowering of heavy garage doors.

It works as a retaining cable

As an extra safety measure, garage door cables also hold extension springs firmly in place. This is crucial, because if the spring snaps or breaks, the cable stops it from flying off, thus, preventing accidents. It is extremely rare for newly installed garage doors to suffer from problems, however, as the years roll by, constant frequent use of garage door will deteriorate the cables and makes them weak, causing them to eventually break.

How to stop garage door cables from breaking

With the right care and attention, you should enjoy your garage door for many years to come, before you start to see any signs of damage. Make it a point to inspect your garage door cable, in addition to the door parts as well. When you are inspecting the wire, check for any fraying or kinks. A garage door cable consists of numerous strands of galvanizing wire, which means when these strands start to deteriorate, it will make the wire, and eventually your garage door cable break.


To conclude our blog, if you need garage door cable replacement in the Waxhaw, NC area, please do not hesitate to call us at this number (704) 606-8092 immediately.

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